RamblerTime Enrollment Form

RamblerTime Enrollment Form

Please complete the survey below to register your child in Ramblertime a wrap-around program for your child(ren). We understand that the days your child(ren) may change depending on the week. It is our plan to have a 2-week schedule for Ramblertime.

First Name
Last Name

Student Registration

Student Name
Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Does your child have any medical conditions that we need to be aware of (physical disability, allergies, etc.)? *
Would you like to enroll another student into Ramblertime?

Student Registration #2

Student Name
Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Does your child have any medical conditions that we need to be aware of (physical disability, allergies, etc.)? *
Would you like to enroll another student into Ramblertime?

Student Registration #3

Student Name
Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Does your child have any medical conditions that we need to be aware of (physical disability, allergies, etc.)? *
Would you like to enroll another student into Ramblertime?

Student Registration #4

Student Name
Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Does your child have any medical conditions that we need to be aware of (physical disability, allergies, etc.)? *

Ramblertime Pricing

6:30-7:40 am .....................$3.00 per child

3:00-6:00 pm.......................$4.00/hr

The children may be dropped off or picked up anytime during the window. Please select the times that your child(ren) will attend ramblertime
