Student Drop Off and Pick Up Frequently Asked Questions
Where will I drop off my child for school?
You will drop off your child at the elementary doors in the high school parking lot. You will drop off elementary school, middle school, and high school students at the same location. Middle and high school students will walk to the student entrance next to the auditorium, just like in previous years.
After dropping off your child(ren), please exit the parking lot by using the playground loop behind Little Wheels and exit Grace Street by the bus garage.
Where will I pick up my child?
You pick up your child(ren) from the exact location of the drop-off. You will pull into the high school parking lot. A staff member will radio in your number. You then will park and tune your car radio to 100.1 and wait for your child(ren)s number to be called once it is called over the radio, drive-up, and pick-up. Elementary, middle, and high school students will exit from where they entered in the morning.
After picking up your child(ren), please exit the parking lot by going around the playground loop behind Little Wheels and exit Grace Street by the bus garage.
Why are there so many changes?
McBain Schools continually looks for ways to improve. This will improve safety for our students and families.
How long will this take?
We are predicting that it will take approximately 10-15 minutes. Initially, it may take a little longer as we are all learning a new process.
Where are the buses going to be?
The buses will be unloading and loading on Roland Street by the school office. The buses will also be following the same flow of traffic to Grace Street. Please stop and let the buses have the right of way.
What about the kids that walk to school?
Students that walk to and from school will continue to enter and exit the school as in the past. All walkers must use the cross the walk in front of the school building.
What do the colors mean on the traffic maps?
Yellow and orange parking spaces will be reserved for use by staff members and visitors during the school day.
Red parking spaces are reserved for high school students to park during the school day.
Purple parking spaces are reserved in the afternoon for parents that are in line to pick up their student(s).