Tami Eisenga

Food Service Director

Welcome Back to the 2024-25 School Year

CEP – We are qualified to do CEP again this year. This means everyone eats breakfast and lunch for free. We do, however, need you to fill out the Educational Benefits form for this program to continue and for our school to qualify for other programs, such as title one, tutoring, summer school funding, etc…. Please fill this form out even if you think you make too much money. Every form helps and we keep it confidential.

BREAKFAST IN THE CLASSROOM – This is for K-5 and will be available until 8:15. So please have your child to school on time if you would like them to have breakfast.

GRAB N GO BREAKFAST – There will be two Grab & Go Carts again this year. This is for HS and MS. One will be located in the lobby and the other just past the Middle School Hallway. You can only go to one of them, not both. Your child has to take the required components for us to get reimbursed through the state.

ALA CARTE- We will still have ala carte food for purchasing at breakfast and lunch for both MS & HS students.  If your child would like a second entrée, that will also be available to purchase. At lunch we will have a grab & go meal of PB Sandwich, fruit & veggie, that they can take instead of hot lunch that will qualify as a reimbursable meal, so therefore it will be free. That way if they do not like what we are having, they could grab that for lunch and it won’t cost them anything. With that being said, please try to send your child’s ala carte money in an envelope with their first and last name on it. Sometimes it is hard to guess which child the money goes to. If you would like to do a family deposit, please put the first and last names (if different) of each child on the envelope with the amounts you want to go where. If it doesn’t specifically say, it will be divided equally between the family.   You may also deposit money online.  You will need to register at mcbain.familyportal.cloud.  There is a video you can also watch to show you how to do this at mcbain.familyportal.cloud/tutorials. We would like the 6-12 graders to bring their lunch money to the office by 9:30 am each day for deposit.  We WILL NOT take money in the lunch line as it holds everything up.

MILK – If your child wants just a milk, they can purchase it for $0.75. This is not free unless you take hot lunch.

Fresh fruit will also be served daily BUT ONLY for those who take hot lunch!! When it calls for Romaine with dressing, the salad bar will be out in the middle, so the students can help themselves. This again, is for students who eat hot lunch on that day. The food in the middle is for students who take HOT LUNCH. It is not a free for all or for students who brought a sack lunch.

MENUS – You should be able to find a menu on the school website or McBain Lunch Bunch FB page. The FB page is where changes will be posted. Last year we had a supply chain issue and we are being told it might continue. We will do our best to keep you up to date. We do hope to utilize the mcbain.nutrislice.com website too, but with the supply issue, this was difficult to maintain. Again, any questions on anything, please feel free to call or email.

ALLERGIES – If your child has any allergies to food or milk, we will need a special meals and/or accommodations form filled out by your physician and we will try to
accommodate your child’s needs. THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE EACH SCHOOL YEAR!! This form can be found on our website under the lunch information. If you have any concerns, please feel free to call me at school 231-825-8330 Ext. 1350 or email me at tami.eisenga@mcbain.org so we can touch base and come up with the best plan of action for your child.

Welcome to new Staff!! We would like to welcome Emily Tripp to our staff this year. She has 5 sons and is excited to start her new chapter here at school. We also would
like to welcome back Shelley Jenema, who does our Meal Magic in the Elementary.

We look forward to serving your children this year and again, if you have any questions, please feel free to call.

Tami Eisenga
Food Service Director

Grab & Go Ala Carte Breakfast Prices

Middle School & High School ONLY (2024-2025 School Year)



Non Fat White Milk $0.75
1% White Milk $0.75
Juice Bottle $2.00
Naked Smoothie Drink $4.50


Granola Bar $1.25
Assorted Muffins $1.25
Peanut Butter Sandwich $1.50
Beef Stick $1.00
Cheeze Its $1.00
String Cheese $0.50
Fruit $0.50

Ala Carte Lunch Prices

Middle School & High School ONLY (2024-2025 School Year)



Non Fat White Milk $0.75
1% White Milk $0.75
Non Fat Chocolate Milk $0.75
Sparkling Ice $2.25


Chips $1.00
Cookies $0.75
Rice Krispy Treat $1.25
Peanut Butter Sandwich $1.75
Yogurt Parfait $2.00
Second Entrée $2.00